Looking for an LMS to integrate with Deel? Workademy is here for you!

Seamlessly integrate Deel with Workademy and enable anyone in your company to share knowledge in the form of online courses!

  • Synchronize your users and groups with Deel
  • Auto-assign courses and learning paths to Deel departments
  • Build courses faster with the help our Open AI integration
  • High level of customization
  • All the Workademy's features to boost your L&D processes

Dla Ciebie Workademy to:

How to connect your Deel account

Nasze wartości

Choose Deel integration to configure

Go to the integration area of your admin dashboard of Workademy and choose Deel.

Copy your API key

Copy your API connection key from your Deel administration dashboard to the Deel configuration dialog.

Click on connect and then sync

Click on the connect button and after the connection is successful, click on the Sync button.

Check if the sycn succeeded

Go to the users management panel and check if the users and departments from Deel are sycnronised with the users at Workademy.

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