Looking for an LMS to integrate with Rippling? Workademy is here for you!
Seamlessly integrate Rippling with Workademy and enable anyone in your company to share knowledge in the form of online courses!
- Synchronize your users and groups with Rippling
- Auto-assign courses and learning paths to Rippling departments
- High level of customization
- All the Workademy's features to boost your L&D processes

Workademy for you means:
Easy to Use
Deep Analytics
Extremely easy to start creating courses
- Integrated Open AI technology (ChatGPT) to help you generate content
- Use the all-in-one interface for creating and editing courses. No need to jump between several interfaces or applications. Create and edit courses in the same interface where you view them.
- Toggle the "editing mode" button and start editing inline. Be fast: we have compared the speed of creating rich-text content with top-5 LMS and figured out that it takes up to 5 times less time to create content with Workademy.
Engage your colleagues with several easy-to-setup techniques
- Manage achievements, goals, leaderboards, and skills.
- Attach the achievements to the course progress, passed lessons, or answered questions.
- Add the goals and skills to the learning paths.
Get insights on the courses quality and learners' progress and present the value of L&D to the board
- Measure metrics like deepness of completion, number of enrolled, logged in and registered learners, number of answered questions, seen lectures, issued certificates.
- Aggregate data by days, weeks, months, years.
- Drilldown by course, module, and lecture.